Get Cash For Your Old Car
Before you proceed with your plan, find a way to pay for your dues quickly, otherwise the creditor won't likely agree. You can secure loans from loved ones or find several short projects at work, so you can secure cash, quickly.
Every state and town has at least a salvage yard where useful parts of dilapidated vehicles are salvaged for re-use. Most of the parts would be non-functional. But even the most dilapidated vehicles have a usable part either on the inside or on the outside.
scrap is often mistaken as waste. At some point scrap and waste may be the same. Both may be unnecessary for your business and both are things you just wanted to get rid of. But waste rot or are often biodegradable. Scrap is non-biodegradable, they do not rot. Scrap can be recycled and be made into some other things. Waste can mean dirt and scrap can mean money.
Others would even consider buying and selling scrap gold as a business. They would invest in buying scrap from anybody and anywhere then when they have collected enough, they would sell this at a much higher price. The income is actually good in this kind of business as long as you are expert in scrutinizing pure gold and you are experienced in business dealings.
If the junk vehicle in your yard is obviously not a classic car but is in decent cosmetic condition, the first thing you should do is see if you can get the car started. In most cases the engine has seized up which could mean it will cost you a lot of money to get it fixed. Contact a mechanic or somebody who knows a lot about cars to see if they can diagnose what is wrong with the vehicle. In most cases they will tell you it needs a new engine and perhaps a new transmission. The cost of buying these parts and installing them will probably far exceed the value of the vehicle. In fact, you might even be able to buy the same vehicle in working condition for far less than it would take you to fix the nissa d21 in your yard. Not to mention that would be far less headache.
Your car may be junk to you, but gold to another. Parts are valuable in the the junk business. Any salvager with a brain is going to strip the car and sell any parts that s/he can before taking it to the crusher. Research the parts on your car. A simple Google search would do wonders. This will give you an idea of what demand you're dealing with.
Because some companies are less trustworthy than others, it pays to conduct due diligence. First, visit each buyer's website to learn more about them, including how long they have been in business. A decade of experience in the gold-buying industry is good; more is better.